Please prayerfully consider continuing your offertory contribution using our new online giving capabilities. You can visit our website and on the home page click on the "Give Online" button, or go to to donate. You can also mail your contribution to the church at PO Box 670 in Watford City, ND. Thank you for your help and support for the mission of Christ's church!
Mass schedule this week will be:
Tuesday - 8:00 AM
Wednesday - 8:00 AM
Thursday and Friday - No Mass
Sunday - 10:00 AM
Our parish utilizes a service called Flocknote to help keep parishioners apprised on news, updates, reminders, and changes as they happen. If you haven't signed up, you can sign up in one of two ways:
Text the word EPIPHANY to 84576
Go to!
Confession times this week will be Tuesday from 6:15 to 7:00 PM, and Saturday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM. There will be no confessions on Friday the 17th.
Live Rosary on Friday, April 17th at 7:00 PM via Zoom - please go to to join at that time!
Divine Mercy Novena will be said via Facebook live every day until Divine Mercy Sunday, so please tune in at 3:00 PM to our Facebook page at! Thank you to our seminarian guests, Ben and Isaiah, for helping with this! We are happy to have you here.
All of the live Masses are uploaded to our YouTube channel as soon as they are done - if you'd like to view them at a later date, please go to Please subscribe to our channel!