Mass schedule (to be live-streamed on Facebook) this week is:
Tuesday: 8:00 AM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM
Thursday: 8:00 AM
Friday: 8:00 AM
Sunday: 10:00 AM
Confession days and times this week are:
Tuesday: 6:15 to 7:00 PM
Friday: 5:30 to 6:00 PM
Saturday: 3:00 to 4:00 PM
These will take place in the parish hall in order to utilize the dividers for everyone's safety!
We have established online e-giving for our parish! You can go to our website at and online giving can be accessed on the home page, or under the Resources tab > Parish E-Giving. You can also mail your contribution to PO Box 670. This way of giving is secure and saves time for our parishioners. You can make a one-time gift, or a recurring gift! Thank you for your continued support of Christ's Church and its mission!
Live Rosary via Zoom on Fridays, with Fr. Brian, at 7:00 PM! Please go to our Facebook page under Events to find the details (and to get a reminder the day of, please indicate that you are "Interested" on the event),
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 982 316 2278
If you have a prayer request you'd like prayed for during Rosary, please email [email protected] with your intentions!
Please hang on to your rice bowls until we are able to have public Masses again, as we have no secure place for drop-off. Thank you!
Word Among Us books can be picked up on the entryway table in the main entrance of the church!
Faith Formation workbooks are available in the parish hall to take home for your child(ren)!
Flocknote is a convenient way for our parishioners to receive texts or emails with updates, news, and important reminders! To sign up for this service, we ask that you either:
Text the word EPIPHANY to 84576
go to! Thank you for helping us by signing up!
If you'd like to view all of our Live Facebook events, please visit our YouTube channel at We have also uploaded Ben and Isaiah's vocation stories! Please take a look!