Daily Mass schedule for this week is our regular schedule!
Knights of Columbus will have their monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 5th after the 7 PM Mass in the parish hall.
Faith Formation Parent Meeting is on Wednesday, April 6th starting at 6:15 PM! Any parent attending this meeting can bring their child(ren) to the Civic Center during this time. These meetings are important so please plan on attending!
Adoration for the Sick will be on Thursday, April 7th from 6 to 7 PM at Epiphany. We will send out a Flocknote for prayer intention requests that day, or you can email them to wcepiphany.com.
Friday, April 8th we will have Stations of the Cross at 6 PM, and the Knights of Columbus will also be having their fish fry at this time, starting at 4:30 PM!
Eucharistic Adoration this week: Wednesday for one hour after the 12:10 PM Mass; Thursday from 6 to 7 PM; Friday from 9:30 AM until 9:30 PM (with a break for Stations). If you'd like to become a scheduled adorer or a substitute on Fridays, please contact Stephanie Ray at 813-415-8486.
There is a Youth / Confirmation Retreat this Saturday at Epiphany! Students grades 6 through 12 are welcome, even if already confirmed! The U Mary retreat team will be leading, and there will be fun activities, prayer, music, and we will conclude the evening with Mass! This is an integral part of Confirmation, so if you're unable to come, please reach out to Father Brian.