There will be no daily Mass this week, as Fr. Brian is away. We will have a guest priest this coming weekend.
Congratulations to our new First Communicants this past weekend - Valentina Gularte and Andy Short! God bless you and keep you.
Join us on Fridays for Live Rosary via Zoom! Go to our Facebook page at and click on the Events tab to find information for the link.
The refrigerator and counter in the parish hall are stocked with food items for those who need it. Please help yourself. If you'd like to donate food, please bring it to the parish hall - if you'd like to donate financially, please contact Bob Nelson at 701-609-0103.
Eucharistic Adoration is every Friday from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM. All are welcome to come and pray before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament! If you'd like to become a scheduled adorer or substitute, please contact Stephanie Ray by call or text at 813-415-8486.
Knights on Bikes Benefit Motorcycle Ride will start on August 1st at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Williston and go through Minot, and Bismarck, and Mass will be celebrated on August 2nd in Bismarck at the Cathedral. This will benefit Home on the Range and the Unapologetically Pro-life Stork Bus. For more information, call Ryan Pederson at 701-495-1053.
Men's Group will meet again on Saturday, August 8th at 8:30 AM in the parish hall.
There will be a parish picnic on Saturday, August 8th at Tourist Park to celebrate Father Brian's 10 years as a priest and also Isaiah's last day here! More details to come.
Women - if you'd like to join our women's study that starts on Monday, August 10th at 7:30 PM, please join our Facebook group "Epiphany Catholic Bible Study". We will be discussing John Paul II's "Letter to Women".