Our daily Mass schedule this week is our regular schedule!
This past weekend was our 35th Annual African Mission Appeal! Please be as generous as you can in supporting the important work of Fr. David Morman, and Wes & Kathy Pepple as they minister on our behalf to our brothers and sisters in Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. Envelopes can be found in the pews, or at each entrance! We are encouraged to follow our missionaries in action at: facebook.com/BismarckCatholicMission.
Wednesday, March 6th Faith Formation Classes: First Holy Communion meets from 5 to 6 PM; Confirmation will meet from 6:15 to 7:30 PM; Youth Group date/location to be determined.
Stations of the Cross are every Friday during Lent starting at 6 PM. Please stay afterward to enjoy a meal of soup and bread in the parish hall!
The Women's Retreat is this Saturday, March 9th from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Fr. Brian will give talks, there will be Adoration, Confessions, and a meal! Please sign up at wcepiphany.com/womens-retreat-at-epiphany so we know approximately how much food to order.
Eucharistic Adoration this week: Wednesday, after the 12:10 PM Mass (with rosary) until 1:30 PM; Adoration for the Sick will be Thursday, March 7th from 6 to 7 PM & we will send out a Flocknote that day to ask for any specific intentions you have to be prayed for during the rosary; Friday from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM.