Our daily Mass schedule this week is our regular schedule!
Congratulations to all of our students who have received Confirmation and First Holy Communion in the past two weeks! And congratulations to our new parishioners who have been fully received into the Catholic Church as well!
Fr. Brian's going-away party is this Friday, May 17th from 6 to 8 PM at the Civic Center! All are invited (both parishes and the community) and there will be food provided!
A reminder that there are God's Share Appeal envelopes at both entrances! With everyone's support, we can accomplish many beautiful works!
Baccalaureate Mass will be on Saturday, May 18th at 4 PM! Congratulations to our graduating seniors, and may the Lord bless them and keep them.
Eucharistic Adoration this week: Wednesday for 1 hour after the 12:10 PM Mass; Friday from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM.