Daily Mass schedule is our regular schedule this week.
There will be a Baccalaureate Mass this Saturday at 4:00 PM. Supper will follow! Congratulations to Riley Faller, Benny Rascon, and Ellie Schmitz!
Youth Group end of the year party will be Wednesday, May 26th from 6:30 PM to around 8 PM. Grades 7-12 and college-aged kids are welcome! This will be held in the parish hall.
Students for Life will meet this Thursday at 6 PM at Wild Cow. If you have a student grades 7-12, they are welcome to join us!
Parish Block Party will be on Sunday, June 6th after the 10:45 AM Mass! The street will be blocked off, and there will be music, food, and activities for the children - please plan on attending!
Eucharistic Adoration this week:
Wednesday, May 26th for one hour after the noon Mass, to pray for the families of both parishes;
Every Friday from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM. If you'd like to become a scheduled adorer or a substitute for Friday Adoration, please contact Stephanie Ray at 813-415-8486.