Daily Mass schedule is our normal schedule this week!
Thank you to all who donated, helped, and came to support our youth this past weekend!
Our Faith Formation Parent Meeting will be this Wednesday, October 20th at 6:15 PM! Parents will meet at the church, and kids can be dropped off at the Civic Center!
This weekend is World Mission Sunday (October 24th) - this is a day set aside to reflect on your baptismal call to witness and respond to Mission. Envelopes will be available in the pews and near the entrances!
Eucharistic Adoration this week will be Wednesday for one hour after Mass to pray for the families in both parishes; Friday from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM. If you'd like to be a substitute or scheduled adorer on Fridays, please contact Stephanie Ray at 813-415-8486.
The Annual McKenzie County Right to Life Auction will be on Thursday, November 4th - doors open at the Civic Center at 5:30 PM! We will have silent and live auction items, food, and items for sale! If you'd like to donate items or make a contribution, please contact McKenzie McCoy at 701-269-8781 or Amanda El-Dweek at 701-641-8226. Thank you for helping us raise money to help the pro-life movement!