The Knights of Columbus will meet after Mass on Tuesday, October 6th in the parish hall.
The Mass schedule for this week is back to normal!
Father Brian, Bob Nelson, and Linda Knudtson from our parish will be on Real Presence Radio this week for their Fall Live Drive! The Drive goes from Tuesday, October 6th through Friday, October 9th. Bob will be on the radio Wednesday at 9 AM; Linda at 10 AM; and on Thursday, Fr. Brian will be on at 2 PM! Please support your local Catholic radio!
Eucharistic Adoration is every Friday from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM. All are welcome to come and pray before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament! If you'd like to become a scheduled adorer or a substitute, please contact Stephanie Ray at 813-415-8486.
The McKenzie County Right to Life is having their inaugural pro-life speech contest on Saturday, October 17th. If you have a student from 7th grade through 12th grade, they are eligible to participate! Please see their website or flyers hanging in both entrances of the church for details!
McKenzie County Right to Life is having their annual silent and live auction on November 5th at the Civic Center starting at 6 PM with a social. Please mark your calendars to support this cause! If you'd like to donate, please call or text Amanda El-Dweek at 701-641-8226, or McKenzie McCoy at 701-269-8781. God bless!