This week's daily Mass schedule is our normal schedule!
Wednesday, October 9th:
First Communion class - 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
K-1st Grade class - 5:45 PM to 6:45 PM
3rd-5th Grade class - 5:45 PM to 6:45 PM
Confirmation class - 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM
Youth Group - 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM
Thursday, October 10th:
Hispanic Sacrament Class - 5:00 PM
Hispanic Godparent Mtg - 6:00 PM
Friday, October 11th:
Eucharistic Adoration from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM
Saturday, October 12th:
Catholic Daughters' monthly mtg - 9:00 AM (parish hall)
Rosary Rally - 12:00 PM (parking lot at Epiphany)
Sunday, October 13th:
OCIA Class (all welcome to attend) - 3:00 PM (Epiphany parish hall)
Catholic Charities USA Hurricane Helene Relief Fund Donations -
Judy Hehr will be at Epiphany on Saturday, October 19th to give two talks! More details to come!
"Radiating Joy: The Michelle Duppong Story" - Nov. 1st in Bismarck at the Grand Theater! Register online at
McKenzie County Right to Life Annual Auction - Thursday, November 7th at the Civic Center starting at 5:30 PM! Donations can be brought to Meuchel's Store or dropped off at the parish office. There will be a silent auction (online only) - more details soon!