Daily Mass schedule this week is our normal schedule.
Please mark your calendars for the Parent & Child Meeting on Wednesday, March 10th at the Civic Center! We will go from 6:15 to 7:45 PM, and there will be a meal and children's activities (K-6) provided, including an inflatable obstacle course! We will see you there!
Rosary is said each Sunday at 10:15 AM prior to the Mass! If you need a rosary while at church, the Rosary Guild has made cord rosaries and they are available for you next to Father's office.
Rosary Guild meets on the second Monday of each month - our next meeting will be Monday, March 8th at 6:00 PM in the parish hall. If you've never attended Rosary Guild and would like to learn to make rosaries for missions, please join us and we will show you how!
Stations of the Cross will be every Friday during Lent starting at 6:00 PM. Adoration will resume afterwards!
There is a 2021 Planner in the parish hall (on the glass case) that will be there if you need to schedule time in the hall. Please check the book before setting meetings to make sure there isn't already an activity booked. Thank you!
Eucharistic Adoration opportunities this week are: Wednesday after the 12:10 PM Mass for one hour to pray for the families of both parishes; Thursday (1st Thursday of the month) from 6 to 8 PM to pray for the sick (if you'd like to submit a prayer request, please let Father know); and Fridays from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM. If you'd like to become a scheduled adorer on Fridays, or a substitute, please contact Stephanie Ray at 813-415-8486.
McKenzie County Right to Life still has baby bottles available in the entryway for their Lenten fundraiser. Please consider grabbing a bottle to fill with currency (coins, cash, etc.) and return to the can in the parish hall. Thank you for your generosity during this season of Almsgiving!
CRS rice bowls are still available at the back of the church. Please take on during this Lenten season to support and help fight hunger and poverty in your community and around the world!