Mass times this week have a couple changes: Wednesday daily Mass will be at 9:00 AM, and Saturday Vigil Mass will be at 4:15 PM AT THE ROUGH RIDER CENTER after the retreat. See you there!
Women of Epiphany will have a meeting on Monday, March 25th at 7:00 PM in the parish hall.
Praise & Worship Night will be this Tuesday, March 26th from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
There will be NO STATIONS OF THE CROSS this Friday, March 29th, as we will be having our Fire It Up Parish Retreat!
Please join us this Friday & Saturday for the parish retreat! If you haven't registered, there are forms at the front entrance of the church, or register online at!
Baby bottles for the McKenzie County Right to Life fundraiser can be returned to the receptacle in the parish hall! Thank you for your generosity this Lenten season.
There will be no Eucharistic Adoration this Friday due to the retreat. Otherwise, Eucharistic Adoration is every Friday from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM. If you'd like to become a scheduled adorer, or a substitute, please contact Stephanie Ray at 813-415-8486.