Daily Mass schedule for this week is as regularly scheduled! Wednesday Mass will be followed by an hour of Eucharistic Adoration to pray for the families of the parish, and for protection from the Coronavirus.
The mandatory Faith Formation parent meeting is this Wednesday, October 28th, starting at 6:15 PM. This meeting will be via Zoom or you can be at the church in person. Details at www.facebook.com/wcepiphany/ under the Events tab!
There are envelopes in the church for the God's Share Appeal, Catholic Charities, and World Mission Sunday! Thank you for your generosity in giving to the Church's missions!
The McKenzie County Right to Life Annual Auction will be next Thursday, November 5th at the Civic Center, starting with a social at 6 PM, and the auctions will start at 6:30 PM! There will be food as well! If you'd like to donate items, you can drop them off at Meuchel's on Main Street, and if you'd like to make a donation, you can contact Amanda El-Dweek at 701-641-8226, or McKenzie McCoy at 701-269-8781.
Eucharistic Adoration is every Friday from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM. All are welcome to come and pray before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament! If you'd like to become a scheduled adorer or a substitute, please contact Stephanie Ray at 813-415-8486.