A reminder that daily Mass is at 9:00 AM, Monday - Friday (unless noted in the bulletin), while Fr. Charlie is here!
Please remember to go to the Meal Train link - mealtrain.com/trains/e9ddr1 - if you'd like to sign up to bring Fr. Charlie a meal! He is unable to eat white chicken/turkey. If you sign up, please deliver to the rectory by 5:00 PM in disposable dishes. Thank you!
Please remember to pray for Fr. Brian while he is on sabbatical, and for Fr. Charlie while he is here. God has blessed us with great priests!
Reminder that Faith Formation classes have started. Information about times and locations have been sent via email and can also be found on our website https://wcepiphany.com, on the Faith Formation Calendar and Events page. Please contact Sara Millet, Director of Religious Education at 281-799-3648 or [email protected] with any questions!
Eucharistic Adoration is every Friday from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM. All are welcome to come and pray before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament! If you'd like to sign up to be a scheduled adorer, or a substitute, please contact Stephanie Ray at 813-415-8486.
There will be Sunday brunch following the 10:45 AM Mass the weeks of October 6th, November 3rd, and December 8th. Please plan to attend for food & fellowship!
Epiphany Catholic Youth Group will be hosting a Fall Festival Youth Fundraiser on October 12th, at 5:00 PM in the parish hall. They will be having dinner, bingo, and pie silent auction! This will help our youth raise money for events such as Steubenville, March for Life, and Search. Please join us for food and fun to help our youth!
THIRST 2019 is October 25-27 at the Bismarck Event Center, and is for all ages! Go to bismarckdiocese.com/thirst2019 for details - registration is open!