Daily Mass schedule this week:
Tues - No Mass
Wed - No Mass
Thurs - No Mass
Fri - 9:00 AM (with Adoration)
Father is gone through Thursday this week with all the priests for the Fall Clergy Conference - please pray for him and all of our priests during this time!
Knights of Columbus will have their monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 6th at 7:00 PM in the parish hall.
Let the Knights cook breakfast for you this Sunday, September 11th after the 10:45 AM Mass in the parish hall! Join us for great food and fellowship!
Eucharistic Adoration this week: Friday from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM. Adoration is a beautiful time to be physically present with Jesus, who is physically present with us in the Eucharist. Anyone can come and pray at any time, for however long you'd like! If you'd like to become a scheduled adorer or a substitute, please contact Stephanie Ray at 813-415-8486.